Nostradamus C8 Q77: Battles of religion
during the era of climate change and genetic manipulation.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, 2022
future tense used in the text of C8 Q77 makes it clear that it is
about a religious war in a time well beyond 1558CE. Then the anagrams make
it apparent through the names Constantine(en toſt annic) and
Gregories(rogie greſ) that the focus of the war is
based on the issues debated at the Nicaean Council of the
4th century. One of the critical issues at that Council was the begotten / unbegotten status of Christ. It was as part of the resolution offered to
that quest that the concept of the Holy Trinity became entrenched in the
Christian Church.
Through the above
C8 Q77 is
seen to be a strong contributor to my series arising out of links
to the quote from Nostradamus 1558 Epistle; the one about the begotten /
un-begotten status of Christ. But it is as equally tied to another quote
in the epistle; that which presents the stories of the three brothers
and other members of the once-barren Lady family. That story line
is the culmination of the status of Christ for its narrative is the
manipulation of genes using 'DNA from Christ relics and blood line' to
produce clones of Christ.
It is because of the Christ status story stream that I paired it with C3
Q59 in order to form the trunk of the climate verse trail; this paired
verse contains some of the most powerful religious terminologies to be
found in any part of religious literature and was part of an earlier
series based on the Christ status theme. Yet that strong
referencing is part of Nostradamus not a religious treatise.
verse with which C8 Q77 is paired in the three brothers series differs
again; its pair is C8Q17 and I do so because both verses cover more of
the background details of the specific nature religious fervour that
determines mankind's destiny.
highly contentious religious frameworks can be seen as the under-pinning
mechanism uniting the verses that have strongest links to the
description in the 1558 Epistle quote shown above left. However the
other quote to which this verse is linked is as equally compelling and
that quote about the three brothers is shown alongside.
The current verse says the antichrist annihilates the three
but doesn't include the word brothers. Yet its story line
sits within the framework of the tale in the above quote and other
verses where the three brothers are more clearly referenced.
There are other anagrams in the current verse that unify the streams
that merge late in this and early in the next century.
these the anagram for vignettes
(Vingt et ſe)
offers new ties to the founding Pentecostal
event that was at the heart of the debate that was meant to eternally
fix the immortal/ mortal status of Christ. The text
and anagrams therefore lead to a trail that focuses on the religious
differences that arose from decisions made at the Nicene Council.
concepts shared in this pair of verses meshes with other concepts
produced in this series that make the end of this century the period in
which the religious war that ensues from these differences will be
fought. That period corresponds with the first of the Christ based
clones reaching the age of religious and military leadership.
It is here in this verse that Nostradamus makes it clear that the future
holds a great war in which opposing views of the Christian church are
engaged. His text indicates that it is those with belief in an active God
that are the instigators of the war which is started in order to commit
genocide on those who have different views. This verse therefore provides the
header for the trail telling the story of the Antichrist wars.
DATA section
C8 Q77
The antichrist very soon annihilates the three, twenty-seven
years his war will last. The unbelievers are dead, captive,
exiled; blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering earth.
L'antechriſt trois bien toſt annichilez Vingt et ſept ans
ſang durera ſa guerre Les heretiques mortz captifs exilez Sang
corps humain eau rogie greſler terre.
Extra Info:
The anagrams yield a collection of complex words that also have religious
war significance. Of these
nontheistical (t
annichile) is the most potent as it refers to people who
believe in a single God but not not in his interaction with mankind. It is
combined with an anagram for interclash that implies war between those
whose major views are identical. There are also anagrams for
Constantine (en toſt
annic) and
(rogie greſ) both of which provide a historical parallel to the war
that is yet to happen. Constantine is the name of the first Roman emperor
to adopt christianity. In the eighth century (767-768) the second pope
with the name Constantine came to be known as an antipope. Since that time
there have been two antipopes with the name Gregory (1012 and 1118-1121).
The implication of the text together with the anagrams is that a pope will
be elected as a consequence of forceful intervention by a conservative
faction but this antipope will be deposed after a twenty-seven year war
that invokes the use of nuclear weaponry. The last line indicates the relevant
Pope is Gregory
VII since septet means seven, he had
peasant origins and his
vignettes lay behind his branding of the Holy
Roman Emperor, Henry IV's papal nominee as an antipope.
It was Constantine I who was involved with the settings underpinning the
Nicean Council and this council's main issues are a focal point for many
of Nostradamus' quatrains. The threadin these verses is
one of religious division over the status of Christ in relation to the God
of monotheistic religions. These threads unite into a stream of
Christ-based lineage stories and a disastrous religious war at the end of
the 21st Century. This war blends into the other major Disasters of
massive floods and fire from the sky that make up the three main streams
of Nostradamus' Prophecies
for more).
Anagram Sequences in
French Text.
(~ means full line
- <nontheiStical [belief in inactive God] z
intercLash><obStinate riots richeSt><chriSten zeaL><richeSt
orbits><conStantine><chile ten nationS><richeSt riots in Chile
abStention> benoist containS / Sanction
- <Vetting aptneSs a ruder uSage Sang>Vignettes /
(teSt given) uSage err><teSting Setting aptneSs Saga
grandeur><reVering anapeSts [form of stressed meter] teSt>
- <there it fixes misquote(r) capz><she requite /
quieter some><hermetiques captorz fit lesz> mosque
- <gregorieS leter><main push>< humanise> <our
Table listing anagram occurrences (1-23) in
Nostradamus' Prophecies
1: nontheistical, uraniumphase, processranger, Constantine,
hermetiques, abstention, interclash, Gregories, captorz, revering,
mosque, geiger, push, 2: misquoter, obstinate, vignettes,
vetting, fixes, 3: quietsome, enstation, misquote, stannic,
testing / setting, arguers, zelant, 4: Christen, capz, 5:
contains, sanction, humanise, Christ, orbits, either, actz,
6:anapests / peasants, notates, thrice, saga, 7: Chile, river,
8: requites, patents, 9: - 10: richest, requite /
quieter, given, 11: Benoist, trench, mouse, zeal, 12:
nations, three / there, 13:riches, exiles, 14: liez, 15:
aptness, 16: chanter / tranche, cog, 17: argues, Lexis,
18: Satans, giro, 19: lancet, reargue, 20: grandeur, septet,
21: Durer / ruder, 22: - 23: crops, here.
Key Ideas:
nontheistical, uraniumphase, processranger, Constantine, hermetiques,
abstention, interclash, Gregories, captorz, revering, mosque, geiger, push,
misquoter, obstinate, vignettes, settingv, vetting, fixes, quietsome,
enstation, misquote, stannic, testing, setting, arguers, zelant, Christen,
capz, contains, sanction, humanise, Christ, orbits, either, actz, peasants,
notates, thrice, saga, Chile, river, requites, patents, richest, quieter,
given, Benoist, trench, mouse, zeal, nations, three, riches, exiles,
liez, aptness, chanter, cog, argues, Lexis, Satans, giro, lancet, reargue,
grandeur, Septet, Durer, crops, here.