Nostradamus C9 Q44: Experimental Physics goes wrong at Geneva in 2065CE
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015
This verse is one of the many remarkable
quatrains that contain anagrams and anagram sequences that have little
possibility of being there by chance alone and which deliver ominous detail to
the surface message Nostradamus provides.
A fuller analysis of the meaning of
this verse and the compliance between the hidden and visible is given in my
paper called
Geneva 2065.
Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:
1. Grim regimes degree ensue genes greed set
true moistures
2. Natures rod infer changes as era turned
3. Electron POZ-ray experimentorz uranolites revelations
exterminatorz consolute prayer
4. Natural clientele farseeing intelligences fears intellectualiser
C9 Q44
Leave, leave
every last one of you,
Saturn from gold to iron will be
The opposing RAYPOZ will exterminate all
Before it has started the sky will show signs.
Migres migre de GeneSue treStous
Saturne d'or en fer Se changera.
Le contre RAYPOZ exterminera
Auant l'a ruent le ciel Signes fera.
of the Disaster on the Swiss border with France.
According to my hypotheses
poignant verses contain hidden
material that will validate their import. I believe the following material
fulfils that expectation. I
begin with the third line of
C9 Q44 whose hidden content is surely a most
remarkable and unexpected validation of my 21st century science theme for it says
Electron ray experimentorz...Year Expoz(e)Terminator Soul.
The origins for this are shown below.
opposing/anti RAYPOZ will exterminate all
Le contre RAYPOZ
exterminera tous
Derivation of anagrams:
Lecontre RAY
eLectron RAY exPerimentOrZ
Although anagrams for electron/s are quite frequent in Nostradamus'
Prophecies there is no other occurrence that lies adjacent to an anagram for
ray. There is also no other anagram in the whole text for any word based on the
root 'experiment', yet here one occurs in a fashion that forms a perfect
sequence of words 'electron ray experimentorz'. There
is much more in this line and the other three as shown below.
- <Grim regimes><uueSterMost Genes><deGree
enSue><germs MoiStures >
- <aS fonder nature enchargeS
genearchS><re-enforceS eraS turned>
- <eLectron POZ RAY u.s. Exterminator><YeAR
exPerimentOrZ not oscuLate (come together)><once OZ PRAYer
cLose><xZ-meteOr uranoLites (meteorites)><consoLute ArterY
<nAtural farseeing clienteles> <fears intelligenceS> <an
intellectualiSer Aura> <frees clientele Sign><farseeing celestt-ial
rune>:<A natural fragileness>
1: intellectualiser, experimentorz, intelligences, exterminator,
uuestermost, reenforces, regimes, 2: electron rays,
fragileness, reuelations, consolute, consulter, moistures,
Alentours, clientele, farseeing, grim, 3: encharges,
natural, teargas, 4: clienteles, osculate, mariner, prayer, artery, 5: lenticels, unlearnt,
counsel, germs, 6: - 7: uranolites, ranches, fonder, 8:
unreal, 9: Touraine, Aschere / reaches, interm, degree, 10:
encharge / genearch, dirge / ridge, 11: repay, poz, 12:
changes, Aratus / Asatru, 13: cheers, 14: releuant, erato /
orate, 15: oncelt, single, exert, 16: client, redone,
17: raiment, turned, 18: stouter, miner, 19: ermine, errant,
astrea, 20: - 21: degreen, 22: solute, year, 23:
Key Ideas:
RAYPOZ, positrons, Lake Leman, electron rays, experiments,
exterminators, clienteles, farseeing, revelations, intelligences,
intellectualiser, fragileness, moistures, uranolites, consolute,
clientele, unlearnt, regimes, counsel,
germs, natural, prayer, unleant, teargas, osculate, genearch, artery,
ridge, repay, POZ, Asatru, relevant. single, client, turned, miner,
errant, solute, electron, years .