Allan Webber at Marino Rocks May 2016  

22ndC religious war in which an antichrist kills three princes.
© Allan Webber 2016

During the appearance of the bearded star.
The three great princes will be made enemies:
struck from the sky, peace earth quaking,

Po, Tiber overflowing, serpent placed upon the shore.

C2 Q43
  Michel de Nostredame
The three brothers will have their differences and then they will have such great cooperation and agreement that the three and four parts of Europe will tremble. ...1558 Henry Epistle (HEE8a)

In the next few chapters I will be taking themes used repeatedly in sections of either the Cesar Preface of 1555 or the 1558 Epistle to Henry and linking them to key verses that use those same ideas. From there I will follow the series of verses using the same or similar wording as that offered by these starting points.

But as I present more chapters the verses increasingly link back to ideas presented in earlier sections and where this happens I try to mention that link. I do so because these links are crucial in themselves since they show that the work is a continuous whole and this then represents an outcome that doesn't easily meet the expectations of chance.

The whole process that I use is somewhat like that employed to produce three-dimensional views of an image but in this instance it is more elaborate than the use of two blurry images that when combined bring clarity. Here internal and external links allow sketchy pictures to unite into a comprehensive scan of time. This is achieved through the repetition of key words and synonyms that are inter-crossed between text, anagrammatic lettering in Nostradamus' verses and prose.

At the start of this chapter I used C2 Q43 as my focal verse for the three princes. I did so because this verse holds strong timing clues as I showed when I first used it in my paper called conflagration. These clues included mentions in the third line of earth quaking and struck from the sky, events which are known by association with other verses to take place at the beginning of the 22nd century. This timing theme is corroborated by terms in other verses about the three princes as shown below.

Three princes plunge the world into war.

Neither verse C2 Q43 nor the quote from the Epistle make it absolutely clear that the three princes are involved in war.

However we can see it through another combination involving verse C8 Q17 and a quote from the Preface, the document that accompanied the first publication of Nostradamus' Prophecies. These show the princes are central to the most disastrous war that man will ever face.

 A clue to its nature is provided by an anagram for omninescient (ont ennemis Ci) a term meaning total ignorance and this most probably relates to the total disregard those involved in these religious wars have for their impact on that part of the flooded Earth that is still habitable.

C8 Q17
Those at ease will suddenly be cast down,
the world put into trouble by three brothers;
their enemies will seize the marine city,
hunger, fire, blood, plague, all evils doubled.
Les bien aiſez ſubit ſeront deſmis
Par les trois freres le monde mis en trouble
Cite marine ſaiſiront ennemis
Faim feu ſang peſte et de to maux le double.
The time comes my son, to hear that it is by my revolutions, which accord to revealed inspiration, that we know the mortal sword approaches with plague and a war due to the lives of three men that is more horrible than there has ever been...1555 Preface to Cesar (PCE11)

The pseudonyms used for the three princes.

One of the important requirements of this three-prince story is that there be a means of differentiating them so that their individual stories are more relevant and there is a verse plus a section in the Epistle that provide the mechanism for this.

C1 Q31 (below) gives an idea of the duration of the war but also offers three names for three great leaders who have been crowned (and hence bestowed the title of Prince). These names are Lion, Eagle and Cock with the quote given below from the Epistle allowing us to link the oldest with the title of Lion and the youngest child with the flight of the mountain Eagle. 

These form a foundation that will be used in later chapters when their individual stories are collated.

Of the other children the oldest one will occupy the furious crowned Lions placing their legs over fearless arms...1558 Henry Epistle (HEE8a)

There is a part of the text of C1 Q31 that is unique to Nostradamus as its second line  holds the word Castulon. This word has no current or ancient meaning but it forms an anagram for osculant (Castulon) which can mean a link between two groups or species.

This term has relevance since there are many other clues that suggest these brothers are not 'truly' brothers. The verse also has anagrams that help define the nature of the wars as Crusades (rſe du Caſ) involving believers in the Qoran /Quran (o / narqu).

The text of C1 Q31 allows the likely realms of the three princes to be deduced since the symbols Eagle, Cock and Lion mentioned in the last line suggest Germany, France and Great Britain respectively.

C1 Q31
The wars in France will last for so many years
beyond the reign of the Castulon kings.
An uncertain victory will crown three great ones,
the Eagle, the Cock, the Moon, the Lion, mark in the Sun.
Tant d'ans les guerres en Gaule dureront
Oultre la courſe du Caſtulon monarque
Victoire incerte trois grands couronneront
Aigle, coq, lune, lyon, ſoliel en marque.
They will be victorious over the Easterners, and will make war with very much noise and tumult. Therein all the East trembles in fear of the brothers, not brothers of the North...1558 Henry Epistle (HEE18a)

The order of the Star Chain that sets 2107 as the year the war begins.

Two of the names Lion, Eagle and Cock that are given to the three brothers in C1 Q31 are also evident in part in C8 Q46. The latter of these verses contains some quite extraordinary but very helpful sequences of anagrams which include El Sufi produces star-chain stories (Fuis le -s deux pro- - chains tar - xxx -eſtrois) and code terrorises France (rance f - reres trois.- De co).

El Sufi was the Persian astronomer who is remembered for the detailed listing of stars in his book called Book of Fixed Stars.

Its mention in this verse allows a date to be deduced since there are also anagrams for several of his named stars. This includes the name Sharatain (hains taraſ) which refers to a star in the horn of the Ram (Aries) and Algedi (d'aigle) which is Arabic for the Billy Goat and this title is applied to both the brightest star and constellation of Capricorn.

With these stars in mind the reference Mars will take up his horrible throne found in the third line of the text then becomes the means of determining the date for the start of the war. It is likely these references allude to early February in 2107 when Mars is in Capricorn together with the Sun and Mercury while Jupiter, the other god of war is near Sharatan (aka Sharatain) in Aries.

In respect to this date the weak anagram-cluster of Pole omens (e Pol - menſo) is in keeping with more powerful identifications in other verses. This setting only occurs once every 854 years so any other near-term date would require a different interpretation of the astronomical data in the verse.

C8 Q46
Paul the celibate will die three leagues from Rome
the two nearest flee the oppressed monster.
When Mars will take up his horrible throne,
the Cock and the Eagle, France and the three brothers
Pol menſolee mourra trois lieues du Rosne
Fuis les deux prochains taraſc deſtrois
Car Mars fera le plus horrible troſne
De coq et d'aigle de France freres trois.

Fate of the three Princes and their followers.

The next verse I present is C8 Q77 and it is also linked to a passage in the Henry Epistle. Both the verse and prose take up the implications of the first line of C8 46 and through their powerful presentation this new pairing makes it clear the three princes are involved in a major religious war with an antichrist.

Other details in the text tell us that the antichrist outlives these three brothers who are not brothers and that his wars last at least twenty-seven years.  But the verse has its own twist since it only makes consistent sense if the unbelief mentioned in the third line relates to the annihilated princes having doubts on a Christ-like figure's authenticity. 

This querulous tone is consistent with the story these brothers are genetic clones probably generated by using DNA from Jesus-cult relics.

C8 Q77
The Antichrist very soon annihilates the three,
twenty-seven years his war will last.
The unbelievers are dead, captive, exiled;
blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering earth.
L'antechriſt trois bien toſt annichilez
Vingt et ſept ans ſang durera ſa guerre
Les heretiques mortz captifs exilez
Sang corps humain eau rogie greſler terre.
This will constitute the second Antichrist, who will persecute that Church and its true Vicar by means of the power of [three] temporal kings who in their ignorance will be seduced by tongues which, in the hands of madmen, will cut more than any sword...1558 Henry Epistle (HEE22b)

The religious division over the status of men cloned from Jesus' DNA.

The next verse C8 Q99 is one of several that highlight the rift driving fanatic zealots into war. This detail also gives a strong linkage to the Jesus story. In this verse the [three] temporal kings seen in the previous Epistle quotation are mentioned.

But in the verse below these kings are portrayed as foils of the infernal Antichrist who uses them in his war against the major Jesus clone.

The last two lines of text say the substance of the body and the Holy Spirit will be received and in so doing give us cause for believing it refers to the resurrection of Jesus. Although the resurrection of Jesus has been a long-held but forlorn hope of many Christians it is increasingly becoming possible through cloning of ancient DNA.

When resurrecting the dead from ancient remains becomes feasible it is unlikely to be a unique event, limited to one deceased individual, but a process that will inevitably be applied to the resurrection of a vast array of creatures. This will include dinosaurs and mammoths. As controversial as such re-creations may be none would be as problematic as the potential to restore the substance of Christ.

Such an event would generate sects who serve or oppose the new faith. And there would be many whose sole aim would be to destroy the clones so formed.

C8 Q99
Through the power of three temporal kings,
the sacred seat will be put in another place,
where the substance of the body and the spirit
will be restored and received as the true seat.

And while this renewed Triumvirate will last for seven years, the renown of such a sect will extend throughout the universe. It will be sustained because of the sacrifice of the holy and immaculate host at a time when the lords of Aquilon are two in number. They will be victorious over the Easterners, and will make war with very much noise and tumult. Therein all the East trembles in fear of the brothers, not brothers of the North...1558 Henry Epistle (HEE18a)

Issues surrounding cloning from aged DNA are likely to be overcome in the near future.

Cloning is currently much more difficult using aged DNA and its short-term application will be limited to the use of DNA from still living things but once it becomes possible to uncover viable DNA in ancient relics many bizarre things are probable.

In the near term it is highly probable that the rich will find ways to generate clones of themselves to ensure their longevity leading to a legal and ethical minefield for coming generations. As these practices become more common resurrection from ancient DNA may well be mastered with this new aspect leading to even worse dilemmas.

The next verse, C2 Q69, has been presented in earlier chapters and is re-shown here since its content takes on a new hue in the context of the Jesus clone story line described above. The text suggests three persons are controlled by another individual.

There is both a religious and royal family lineage underpinning its story thereby linking it to the foregoing material in this and other chapters. And the anagrams in the verse back up these messages through the presence of Madonna (and Mona) and Paraclet (tre la cap) which is another name for the Holy Spirit. The verse is also threaded into the fabric of the 22nd Century events by its having an anagram for Polaris (ois par l).

C2 Q69
The Gallic King through his Celtic right arm  
Seeing the discord of the great Monarchy:
He will cause his scepter to flourish over the three
Against the cope of the great Hierarchy.
Le Roy Gaulois par la Celtique dextre
Voiant diſcorde de la grand Monarchie
Sus les trois pars fera florir ſon ſceptre
Con tre la cappe de la grand Hierarchie

The number of clones is reduced to three.

As the stories unfold it becomes apparent that there is probably more than one clone and that the three that lead the war are involved in the deaths of the others before the war begins.

This is the story line that can be seen in C6 Q11 and another passage from the Henry Epistle. A key word in the text is fratricide for it means the slaying of one's brother.  In this instance four brothers or clones can be taken to be victims of a conspiracy between two of their brothers.

This then provides further expansion of the idea that there will be a number of attempts to clone the DNA of Christ and sees their numbers reduced from seven to three by murder ordered by the sects to which they all belong. The anagrams in the first line include part seeds (Des ſe -pt ra ), stories (trois ſe) and destruction (ont reduicts).

C6 Q11
The seven branches will be reduced to three,
The elder ones will be surprised by death,
The two will be seduced to fratricide,
The conspirators will be dead while sleeping.
Des ſept rameaux a trois ſeront reduicts
Les plus aiſnez ſeront ſurprins par mort
Fratricider les deux ſeront ſeduicts
Les coniurez en dormans ſeront morts

And our age has nearness to this by means of the three who are secretly united in the search for death, treacherously setting traps for one another. .1558 Henry Epistle (HEE18a)

The text of Verse C5 Q2 provides a continuation of the themes in C6 Q11. The story revealed by the text is of a specific naval battle by a leader who is ordered to attack and destroy the princes in their strongholds. This particular leader dies in the battle.

Strong support for my claim that the three mentioned in line two are these princes comes from the anagrams. These unite the identifiers of time, and environmental events that have already been established in earlier chapters for the time following the great flood period when the three Princes commence their war.

The anagrams include the precession ( ire Seps con) of Ursae (res au) where Ursae refers to the Polestar, and the named event takes place  in 2105 CE. There are also anagrams for the parliament (nt par le mai) d'France ( nd fera c) and  parliamental querulity ( luy tire.Qu - ant par le mail) i.e. objections to the war. There are also a nulliverse  (uire L'vn les), representing a disordered universe and a term for three quarters i.e a quaternity(y tire. Quant).

The latter term has relevance to another for subaquean (es au banq) since Nostradamus describes the floods as covering 70 percent of the land's surface.

C9 Q69 Line 4: Lobster on the land not a third thereof will remain.

C5 Q2
Seven conspirators at the banquet will cause to flee 
The iron out of the ship against the three:
The general will lead one of two fleets
as by the mail. The denier shoots him in the forehead.
Seps conjures au banquet feront luire
Contre les trois le fer hors de nauire
L'vn les deux claſſes au grand fera conduire
Quant par le mail. Denier au front luy tire.

The death of the three brothers comes during the vast floods of the 21stC.

In both C9 Q36 and C2 95 we have a further expansion of the story of fratricide that reduces the seven branches of the clones to three. The text of the last of these two verses reiterates the idea that these events take place after the great floods which drown the inhabitants of the major cities and greatly reduce the amount of arable land.

C9 Q36
A great King taken by the hands of a young man,
Not far from Easter confusion knife thrust
Everlasting captive times what lightning on the top
When three brothers will wound each other and murder.
Vn grand Roy prins entre les mains d'vn Joyne
Non loing de Paſque confuſion coup cultre
Perpet captifs temps que fouldre en la huſne
Lors que trois freres ſe bleſſeront et murtre.

And our age has nearness to this by means of the three who are secretly united in the search for death, treacherously setting traps for one another...1558 Henry Epistle (HEE18a)
C2 Q95
The populous places will be uninhabitable:
Great discord to obtain fields:
Realms delivered to prudent incapable ones:
Then for the great brothers dissension and death.
Les lieux peuplez ſeront inhabitables
Pour champ ſauoir grande diuiſion
Regnes liurez a prudents incapables
Lors les grands freres mort et dissention.

The three brothers will have their differences and then they will have such great cooperation and agreement that the three and four parts of Europe will tremble...1558 Henry Epistle (HEE8a)

So from the foregoing the story of the three princes can be seen to be an integral part of the religious wars that follow the great floods. These three persons are not brothers and yet they have the same lineage and for a while, until slaughtered by these three, there were others who also shared the same genes.

Some of the verses have links that tie their stories to the debates at Nicea over the begotten status of Jesus.  It is also deducible from such references and other material in the text that the genetic line comes from Jesus.  This idea is supported by the thread showing the clones / brothers are ultimately defeated by a person who Nostradamus calls an antichrist.

The story of these brothers is not restricted to these verses as shown in later chapters where their battles and their life stories will be presented in greater detail.





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