Allan Webber at Marino Rocks May 2016

The Barren Lady's Daughter and her sons
© Allan Webber 2016

The Church of God will be persecuted,
And the holy Temples will be plundered,
The child will put his mother out in her shift,
Arabs will be allied with the Poles.
C5 Q73
Michel de Nostredame

The daughter will be given away in order to conserve the Christian Church [as] her domineering [ways] fall into the paganism sect of the new infidels. Of her two children, one will be faithful and the other unfaithful after confirmation into the Catholic Church.

And the [unfaithful] one, who, to his great confusion and later repentance, will want to ruin her, will have three regions where the difference in distance is extreme, namely, Romany, Germany and Spain in which will form diverse sects [set up] by armed force [causing] the 50th to the 52nd parallel to be abandoned. ...1558 Henry Epistle (HEE9a).

In talking of the part played by the once-barren Lady I noted that women don't play a central role in Nostradamus' Prophecies and they generally only come into prominence for their part in the stories of lineage, adultery, and untoward influence upon their families. Of the women mentioned in the Prophecies two stand out and they do so because they are the matriarchs behind the dynasty that claims to be generated from Jesus DNA. The daughter of the once-barren Lady is the second of these prominent women. The family pattern presented in the Epistle of 1558 identifies this woman as the youngest sibling and like her oldest brother she is conceived by a father different to that of the middle pair.

It is my contention that the middle pair of brothers are generated by a process of cloning and that the source of the DNA used is claimed to be that of Jesus. The focus of this chapter is the role of this daughter in the history of the religious wars of the 22nd century.

I believe I can disentangle the deliberate confusion in the tales of these two women. In order to demonstrate that this is the case I need to first present my view of what the stories are meant to say.

The summary of what emerges in this presentation is the daughter is born to a woman who a sect believes has ancient links to Christ. The sect takes control of the mother's life after the husband goes off to war in Spain where he is captured and dies. The woman at this time is believed to be unable to bear children and is referred to as the barren lady by members of the sect. She is manipulated by the sect to achieve their long-held belief in the resurrection of a Christ that will impose their personal faith upon the world.

A leader of the sect uses the barren lady's misery and seduces her into an adulterous relationship from which come two natural children, a boy and a girl. Between their births he also convinces her to be part of an artificial insemination program run by the sect. This program implants DNA found in bones that they have concluded are those of Jesus. Twin boys are born from this procedure. Upon this success other women and their children who have been part of this experiment are murdered.

None of the children are allowed to be publicly acknowledged and while three are raised in different countries by members of the sect the fourth, the older of the twins, is abandoned in front of a monastery.

The daughter is raised in Greece but under the orders of her natural father she is married at a very young age to a sect member from a royal family descended from the Holy Roman Emperors. Her marriage into the orthodox royal line is encouraged by the Roman Catholic Church in the belief it will eradicate the heretical notion that Christ left children.

The sect then has the mother join her daughter who has become disenchanted with both the sect and the Christian Church. At this time one of the daughter's two principal children is born deformed. As a consequence of this deformity and the peculiar aspects behind his birth this child will, when he gets older, react against his mother, the sect and his Jesus cloned uncles.

When the daughter dies prematurely the mother becomes that country's ruler.

Germanic paganism linked to sects.

The shift towards pagan-like religions is a prominent assertion in the Epistle whenever it mentions the family of the once barren lady and her daughter. The ciphers for this shift then identify C3 Q76 as relevant since the text of this verse is clearly about religious sects in Northern Europe reverting to old modes of worship.

And there are complementary details to be found in the anagrams that tie it to secretive genetic manipulations. A sequence in the first line says Armenian sects reuse gene traditions ( s ſect - En Ge - rmanie na - iſtront di- uerſe) and another states genes remain Nestorian secrets (rſes ſect - es En G - ermani -e naiſtron).

C3 Q76 In Germany will be born diverse sects,
Coming very near happy paganism,
The heart captive and returns small,
They will return to paying the true tithe.
En Germanie naiſtront diuerſes ſectes
S'approchant fort de l'heureux paganiſme
Le coeur captif et petites receptes
Feront retour a payer le vray diſme.
The daughter will be given away in order to conserve the Christian Church [as] her domineering [ways] fall into the paganism sect of the new infidels. Of her two children, one will be faithful and the other unfaithful after confirmation into the Catholic Church. And the one, who, to his great confusion and later repentance, will want to ruin her, will have three regions where the difference in distance is extreme, namely, Romany, Germany and Spain in which will form diverse sects [set up] by armed force [causing] the 50th to the 52nd parallel to be abandoned. And all will pay homage to the long-held religions of the regions of Europe...1558 Henry Epistle (HEE9a)

A woman in a forced marriage tries to convert a foreign nation.

The settings in the following verse fit to that given in the Epistle for the daughter of the barren lady. She is placed in a domain too different amongst people strange and distant from the Romans at a time when Their great city [is] much troubled by water.

The verse with its reference to daughter handless provides a link to deformity mentioned in later discussions, which must now be associated with the daughter named in the Epistle. And amongst the anagrams words such as nationalising (ains loingtai), dominant life (nt domain - e Fil ) and dominate free (fere - nt domai) resonate with the daughter's profile set out in the first part of the Epistle quote given above. In the last line of the verse the peculiar wording 'lock not having been picked' can be considered as a reference to non-consummation of a marriage and hence link into the story of the barren lady.

C2 Q54

Because of people strange, and distant from the Romans
Their great city much troubled after water:
Daughter handless, domain too different,
Chief taken, lock not having been picked.

Par gent eſtrange et Romains loingtaine
Leur grand cite apres eaue fort troublee
Fille ſans trop different domaine
Prins chef ferreure n'auoir eſte riblee.

Compare the content of the above verse to the one below and it becomes apparent they may well describe the same woman, a person whose beauty is turned to ugliness by eyes that go no further than the injury to her limbs. In both these verses a captive is taken thereby uniting them in the loss of their loved one. The implication can be made that the man whom the daughter of the barren lady marries sets out to fight a war in Spain and doesn't return. This narrative fits into that of the African Antichrist whose tale is covered in a separate chapter.

C9 Q78
The Greek lady of ugly beauty,
Made happy by countless suitors:
Transferred out to the Spanish realm,
Taken captive to die a miserable death.
La dame Greque de beaute laydique
Heureuſe faicte de procs innumerable
Hors tranſlatee au regne Hiſpanique
Captiue prinſe mourir mort miserable.

The King of Kings receives support from Pannonia.

In verse C9 Q90 the text refers to the King of Kings, a title that is used in the Bible to refer to both God and Jesus. Such a title would seem apt as a reference used by those who clone a person from DNA believed to be from the body of Christ. The rest of this verse's text suggests that this individual receives the support of Pannonia (north eastern Adriatic countries) during a time of revolt. Pannonia is an odd choice to make even if it was an isolated mention but it dominates the material in the Epistle and many of the Prophecies. It is therefore a powerful cipher tied tightly to the story of the daughter and her extended family.

The anagrams offer unusual details that suggest the verse refers to modern times. It involves a battle for Paris (par ſi) in which biological warfare is employed and that city is forced to surrender due to viruses (urs Sevi) from Jerusalem's sources (ar ſimule ſe - cours Se). These clues will bring the story into line with that found in other verses of the war with a northern prince, an Eastern European and a leader from France who form a short lived-alliance based on a false promise.

C9 Q90 A captain of Great Germany
Will come to deliver through false help
To the King of Kings the support of Pannonia,
So that his revolt will cause a great flow of blood.
Vn capitaine de la grand Germanie
Seviendra rendre par ſimule ſecours
Vn Roy des roys ayde de Pannonie
Que ſa reuolte fera de ſang grand cours.
After this the barren Dame of great power will be received by the people from the second of two nations. But the first are made obstinate by [she] who has all power over the second [generation] and so a third will extend their forces towards the circuit of the East of Europe where, in the Pannonias (North-eastern Adriatic ) they will be profligate and die...1558 Henry Epistle (HEE10a)

Incest blights the line that claims their genes bear Jesus' DNA.

Verse C5 Q73 at the head of this paper provides the most critical link to the story of the daughter as set out in the Henry Epistle. These links expand on her location and the nature of her relationship with her most wayward son. Below I present verses C6 Q50 and C7 Q11 which bring together several elements of this mother and child story.

The story that unfolds through the following verses tell us that once the barren lady joins her daughter in the region called Pannonia they become the focal points of new sects. Pannonia is a name for lands that today lie in modern day western-Hungary, eastern-Austria, northern-Croatia, north-western Serbia, northern Slovenia, western Slovakia and northern Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In C6 Q50 the text talks of incest committed by a step-mother and this may well relate to the queen that succeeds the daughter and the youngest son of the once barren lady. The elements of the text add to the stories of a clone and indicate the DNA is found in ancient bones. In respect to this story of the clone there are also several anagrams in the verse that reflect an ancient grail legend in which Jesus' mortal line survived his crucifixion.

Important anagrams in establishing this include St Thecla (L'eſtat ch), Tamar (marat), zealots (oz L'eſta), Astarte (ars atte) and canticles (a l'inceſt c). St Thecla was a follower of St Paul, Tamar is a name suggested by some sources as the name of Jesus' hypothetical daughter. Astarte is an ancient Sumerian fertility goddess and canticles are songs of praise taken from any part of the Bible except the psalms.

C6 Q50
Within the pit will be found the bones,
Incest will be committed by the stepmother:
The state changed, they will demand fame and praise
And they will have Mars attending as their star.
Dedans le puys ſeront trouues les oz
Sera l'inceſt commis par la maratre
L'eſtat change on querra bruict et loz
Et aura Mars attendant pour ſon aſtre.

The second-generation deformity in the Jesus clone dynasty.

It is apparent from the text of the next verse, C7 Q11, that a child is born who is deformed in the feet and has only one eye much to the distress of his mother. His disabilities and knowledge of the process by which he was born cause him to spurn his mother. It will later become apparent to him that his uncle, the man that is the new Christ, is in an adulterous relationship with the woman who takes his mother's place as queen. These factors may well explain his actions when he inherits power.

The anagrams in this verse possibly reveal more about the conception process that lead to deformity since they suggest there is duress in (ſes rud - in) a mastered gene (dame eſtr - a -nge e) when a metals-dealer (lle a dame eſtr) dispenses nuclides (des ſiens p - lus de cin). These anagrams hint at the misuse of radioactive chemicals to perform genetic engineering experiments on the unborn.

C7 Q11 The Royal infant scorns his mother
eye, feet wounded rude disobedient;
strange and very bitter news to the lady;
more than five hundred of her people will be killed.
L'enfant Royal contemnera la mere
Oeil piedz bleſſes rude inobeiſſant
Nouuelle a dame eſtrange et bien amere
Seront tues des ſiens plus de cinq cens.

The text of C5 Q73 confirms the above interpretation by adding that a religious war covering many ideologies begins at the behest of the heads of that religion and leads to a leader driving people including his own parents from their homes. The anagrams maternal (ant la mer) matter (mettra) reinforce the personal attack behind the strategy. These terms both appear in the third line of text which says 'The child will put his mother out in her shift'.

The content of this verse has been presented in an earlier chapter where it was shown to carry anagrams affirming the early 22nd century time period for the events named.

C5 Q73 The Church of God will be persecuted,
And the holy Temples will be plundered,
The child will put his mother out in her shift,
Arabs will be allied with the Poles.
Perſecutee sera de Dieu l'Egliſe
Et les ſainctz temples ſeront expoliez
L'enfant la mere mettra nud en chemiſe
Seront Arabes aux Polons raliez.
After this the barren Dame of great power will be received by the people from the second of two nations. But the first are made obstinate by [she] who has all power over the second [generation] and so a third will extend their forces towards the circuit of the East of Europe where, in the Pannonias (North-eastern Adriatic ) they will be profligate and die...1558 Henry Epistle (HEE10a).





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